SAVE THE DATE : Découvrez les dates de la saison thermale 2025 à Avène : du lundi 31 mars au samedi 8 novembre 2025. Ouverture des réservations le 13 janvier 2025.

Avène, a historical village and thermal spa resort in a preserved environment

The Avène Hydrotherapy Center has a spa dedicated to dermatology and to the treatment of skin disorders (eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, ichtyosis, burns) as well as to post-cancer burn and scar therapy.

The worldwide renown of the high quality and effectiveness of the local spring water and its skin treatments is rooted in history: the center has been state-approved since 1874. Here are the key dates of its history.


Discovery of the thermal spring

The medical properties of the Saint Odile spring in fighting against dermatosis was discovered when the Marquis de Rocozel’s horse was healed after swimming in the water.

Image d'un cheval


Construction of the first thermal spa

Built over the spring, the first thermal spa brought increased recognition of the healing properties of Avène spring water by doctors and the spa's first patients, in addition to promoting knowledge of this water's exceptional properties at the Faculty of Medicine in Montpellier.

Station thermale en 1743


Avène thermal spring water exported

Avène thermal spring water was exported to Chicago to treat the victims of the great fire.

Bouteille d'Eau Avene


Avène thermal water officially state approved

The French Academy of medicine declared the Sainte Odile spring to be of "Public Benefit" and the water's properties were officially state-approved.

Panneau, décrété d'intérêt public par le gouvernement 1874


Renovation and development of the hydrotherapy center

After being used for many different purposes, the spa was bought by Laboratoires Pierre Fabre and began offering scientific hydrotherapy treatments…

Pierre Fabre


New hydrotherapy center

A new Hydrotherapy Center was built, equipped with modern and innovative facilities, leading the way to a new trend in the field: the practice of hydrotherapy treatments needs to be updated and requires scientific backing.

Nouvel établissement thermal


Expansion of the hydrotherapy center

As the number of patients at the Avène Hydrotherapy Center was rapidly rising each year, the establishment was expanded, adding on a spacious and convivial treatment unit with a human dimension.

Centre Thermal Avene


Research laboratory

Creation of the Water Research Center on the thermal site. Its missions: control and monitor the quality of the water, scientific research and evaluation, communication and training on Avène Thermal Spring Water.

Centre Thermal Avene


Aquacert HACCP certification

Avène is the first hydrotherapy center dedicated to dermatology that obtained Aquacert HACCP Thermalisme® certification. The compliance of the Avène Hydrotherapy Center with this first standard created in 2010 by and for the spa industry, is proof of the commitment to quality that Avène has shown for years.

Logo certification Aquacert


Construction of a new hotel complex

Next to the Thermes d'Avène, Eau Thermale Avène l'Hôtel ****, an eco-responsible hotel, has 60 rooms, all with terraces opening onto the park, a meeting area full of light, two swimming pools, a fitness area in shape, as well as a bar & a restaurant promoting local and seasonal products.

nouveau complexe hôtelier


Opening of a new SensiCure space

The SensiCure space has been transformed, with new, more refined fittings that are perfectly suited to your relaxation. Our new treatment rooms and a new herbal infusion area invite you to recharge and enjoy the benefits of Avène thermal spring water, with personalised monitoring provided by our hydro-aestheticians.

espace sensicure


The medical centre

The Medical Centre : for greater proximity to the treatment area, leading to smoother access, the medical practices have moved closer to the Avène Hydrotherapy Centre and have taken the opportunity to modernise.

centre médical


The Association for the Preservation of the Avène Water Impluvium (natural basin): APIA

The objectives of the association are to preserve the 27 km2 of the area that supplies the source of Avène thermal spring water, a number of drinking water catchments serving the town of Avène and local biodiversity in partnership with all stakeholders (citizens, farmers, forest owners).
To achieve these objectives, the task defined by the API'A was to develop voluntary actions among local people to encourage sustainable forest management, support agriculture that is respectful of natural resources and promote and protect local natural heritage.

création de l'asso API'A